Google Chrome is bad!

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser. It is so popular that some websites load faster like YouTube due to using parts of Chrome. Seriously even Google is advertising users to install Chrome, Google does not put anything that is saying something along the lines of “This page loads faster using Google Chrome” if you are signed in, It only happens when you don’t have any cookies. Also it has its services slapped in your face as soon as you open it. Some have removed the services and disabled the “Google Botnet”, as some might not want spyware on there computer some will install Firefox or some other browser that is not based on the “Chromium” source code. No seriously there is an open source version of Chrome named “Chromium”, there are some forks of “Chromium” that are bloated with useless features like a built in VPN, but why would anyone use a VPN? Also Chrome and Chromium use more memory and CPU when web browsing, making you upgrade your computer way faster. Also its source code has a lot of binary blobs, so many will use forks of Firefox without binary blobs if they are using Linux.


This page is displayed the worst using Google Chrome* and it is best viewed using Internet Explorer 6 or maybe not.

Also first Internet Explorer had dominance and a lot of pages only supported it now it’s Google Chrome wow, also other web browsers at least support other web browsers.

*Not sure if it is displayed the worst.